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how are you doing over there?
i wonder if it rains, if you're well, if you're happy
who knew life would be so hard without you
every day feels like a dark rainy night
my bed is cold, my arms are empty

come home, my love
bring me bright, sunny days again

jasmine-ye .blogspot.com ♥

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
yexueli posted at 12:36 AM | 0 Noticed Me

this is it. the end of the blogspot days. seems like i couldn't quite maintain it after all.

when i first started my blog, i wanted it to be private, away from the eyes of people i know. but then, i wanted a few friends to know. and slowly, more people knew the existence of my blog, including those i wanted to keep it away from.

and now, i have to be so careful about the things i write.

that's not freedom. and i want freedom.

so goodbye. this is the end.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
yexueli posted at 1:03 AM | 0 Noticed Me

There's nothing like a funny comic strip to make you feel better.

Click here for full view of the comic strip.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
yexueli posted at 3:35 AM | 0 Noticed Me

My baby left me on Sunday morning. Now all I've got to remind me of him is Rua.

John got him for me in a little town called Tairua (hence 'Rua' :D) during our trip to Whitianga. I wish our trip had been a little longer. It just felt too short... and then he was gone.

There's no Internet or phone line where he lives (it's a pretty rural area) so we've been texting and calling each other on our mobile phones, but it's just not the same. Tuesday nights used to be the nights he'd come over, cuddle with me on the couch, and fall asleep as we watch tv. Friday nights were the nights I'd go over to his place after work, and we'd watch some movie or anime, or play badminton with my parents. Now every night is the same. I sit in front of the tv, but nothing interests me. So I try to occupy myself with reading, but I can't help feeling my bed seems to be colder and colder with every consequent night.

So I've been hanging out with Jackie and Sarah to push away this feeling of loneliness. That, and shopping. Shopping therapy has always been good for me, and able to lift my darkest spirits. But I forget that the feeling is always temporary, and that I would fall down that pit of deepest misery once more. So there's gonna be more times of hanging out with the girls. Left alone, depression engulfs me.

I got my ears pierced today.

It's almost as if I was hoping that the pain from the piercing can take away the pain inside my heart. But it didn't hurt, not really. I seem to have a high threshold for pain. Needles scare me a little, but the process itself always seem highly tolerable. Strange. Must be all the years of constantly cutting myself and injuring myself.

Before that, I went to Valleygirl looking at almost every single item in the store, spending about an hour in there trying on clothes and deciding which looked good. I got 2 dresses in the end - one casual, one dressy - for $50. Bargain! :) But the damn store's Eftpos machine wasn't working, so I had to withdraw cash from my bank account. I ended with less than $15 in my cheque account by the end of the day. Thank goodness for wages! Not that it really helped. My cheque account is now slightly above $80. Didn't want to transfer too much from my savings - trying to save (that's why it's a savings account, eh?).

Later, after getting my ears pierced, I met up with the girlies and off we went! To the Bendon lingerie sale! Gosh the store was packed! And that was only 5 minutes or so after the sale started. At one point, they had to close the doors to prevent more people coming in cos there were too many people inside. Crazy, eh? Queues for the fitting rooms and the cashiers were looooong. So we just chose what we want, browse around until the cashiers wasn't as busy, and made our purchases. It was 50% off all bras, and was supposed to be limited to 3 per customer, and to members only. But in the end they gave the discount to everyone, and rang up separate transactions if someone had more than 3. Pretty nice of them but the cashiers sure were hectic! One of the staff looked so stressed I thought she was gonna faint! Poor girl. In the end, we all came out with a Bendon bag in hand, 2 bras each. The sale was a good deal, but some bras were still waaay too expensive, even after 50% off!

We had dinner at a foodcourt nearby, then took the bus back home. (Neither one of us can drive, haha) It's actually my dad's birthday today, so when I got home, I gave my dad his birthday present and we cut the birthday cake.

The birthday song was notedly lacking, as my sister was in Malaysia and not around with us. My mum made my dad wear the All Blacks polo shirt I got him, thinking his t-shirt looked too scrappy for photos. What she didn't know was I got a picture of her in her trackpants. Hehe. We had a lovely mudcake that even my usually I-don't-really-like-cakes dad enjoyed, with some Earl Grey tea. After that, we called my sister in Malaysia. I didn't realise how much I actually missed my sister's presence. We talked for a while until the phone grew hot and she had to call a friend.

With my sister gone, I feel the loneliness even more easily. Usually my sister's around the house, and I can hear the tv or radio blaring. If she's not around, then John's usually around. And now they're both away. I feel so miserable. No amount of shopping can cure that.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
yexueli posted at 8:48 AM | 0 Noticed Me

My days seemed to have gone from bad to worse.

This is it, I think. This is my breaking point.

I can't go to the friends I usually go to, because I think I've just lost them. I can't even go to the one person I thought I could always rely on, because I'm losing him too.

Professional help is available, just not immediately. *laughs* I hope I haven't gone mad with anxiety yet by the time of my appointment.

So now I have to keep it bottled in. Bottle it in, bottle it in - or until next week, at least.

Monday, October 8, 2007
yexueli posted at 10:31 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Socialising is such an innate need within humans that sometimes, I forget how tiring people can be. They can be so tiring on your nerves, make you feel angry and frustrated, and even ruin your whole day in as little as two seconds.

Sometimes, it feels easier not to have friends, and just rely on your family, no matter how annoying or embarassing or naggy they can be. But when you have issues with your family, friends are the one you go to.

Talk about stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I guess friends are just a necessary evil. Just not all the time.

Saturday, September 22, 2007
yexueli posted at 7:39 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Know I haven't updated in ages, but uni and work are really taking up a lot of my time. So just a quick update today.

My baby bought me a present today - a motorbike helmet, fiery red and shiny. It wasn't cheap, but he said it was his helmet, lent to me unconditionally. :)

Then he took me on a bike ride. It was kinda scary, but kinda exhilarating too. I'm actually surprised that we didn't actually fall over at least once. In fact, there wasn't even a time when I thought we were gonna fall off the bike.

I love my new bike helmet. Hehe.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007
yexueli posted at 12:15 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I talked to my grandma on the phone tonight. I knew I missed her, but I didn't know how much! It's been so long since I've seen her or talked to her, and I think she felt that. She kept asking me when I'd go back, and I told her next year. Then she ask about when I would go back again after that, or would I go to another country to further my studies?

Underneath those questions, I think she was worried that she would not see me for much longer. My grandma is already in her 70s, and is fairly healthy, but like most elderly people, she's probably starting to worry about death. And to be honest, I'm kinda worried too. My other grandma (on my dad's side) passed away while I was here in NZ, and I've always felt sad that I was never able to say goodbye to her. I felt even sadder when I went back to Malaysia, and an aunt told me how my grandma actually considered me as one of her favourites. I never knew that. I had always assumed I did not take that big a place in my grandma's heart. But now, I know that my grandma showed her love in other ways, like the way she cooks my favourite food when she visits, or the way she asks about my studies at school, or the way she travels 2 hours alone in a cab from her home to our house in the city to visit our family. Even now, after about 4 years after her passing away, I still tear up whenever I think about her.

This is why I'm worried about my grandma who's still alive. She is much healthier than other people her age, as she still works and rides the bicycle every day. But there is always the evil of old age. I don't want to have another loved one taken away from me. I think I will cry my eyes out, seriously I think I will. Just thinking about it now makes me want to cry.

My trip back home next year is very important to me, more than I actually knew myself. I need to see my grandma and let her know how much I love her, and to let her see one of her grandchildren (my sister and I are the oldest among our cousins) graduate university. I know that is a great wish of hers, and I'm gonna fulfill it by working the hardest in uni, no matter how difficult it gets!

There is another point to my trip home as well. The last time I went home, I avoided going to my deceased grandma's grave. I kept giving all sorts of excuses for not going back, and my dad has never pressured me to visit her grave. Sometimes, I wondered why I absolutely refused to go back to my grandma's hometown. I thought it was because I have never gotten along with my cousins or my uncle and aunt, and the only reason to visit was my grandma, who was no longer there. But slowly, I realised that the real reason was that I felt guilty for not being there for my grandma at her worst and most vulnerable time, and for not saying goodbye to my grandma before she passed away. I felt as if I could not face her grave. But this time, when I go back, I will pay my respects. After all, if I never visit her grave, doesn't that mean I never say goodbye to her? My grandma was a woman who believed in tradition, even though she also tried to adapt to modern times, and I want to respect that.

I miss you so much. And I love you so much. I wish you knew.